Planning Ahead

Planning ahead helps us stay on track with our eating plan. It's also a whole lot easier on the wallet! Here are some ideas...

Designating a day to get to the grocery store is key. Scheduling it in is a lot less stressful than trying to cram it in to an already too full day.

Be sure to keep your kitchen stocked with lots of veggies, fruits and lean protein options. Make it a habit to check the fridge, freezer and cupboards so you can use what you have (and know what you need to pick up) for healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. I like to put together a bag of food to take with me to work. I always include lots of veggies and protein. I might cut up some celery, red pepper, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, and raw lacinato kale. If I'm low on protein, I might boil some eggs. I also try to cook enough for dinner that I have leftovers for lunch - especially when it comes to cooked veggies. (As the weather cools, cooked veggies are more appealing than raw.)

Tip: Pack leftovers in small single serving containers for easy grab-and-go options in the morning. Trader Joe's sells a large turkey breast that can be baked in one hour at 350 degrees. Cook, cool, and slice it up for an excellent low-fat protein option. Other good choices are Greek yogurt or edamame. Or try some turkey jerky or a can of sardines or kippered snacks - they're all great sources of protein.

Tip: Keep medjool dates in the freezer and when you have a sweet craving, take one out, and slowly enjoy! Due to its' high sugar content, it doesn't completely freeze and it is quite satisfying.


Kindness Eases Hopelessness


Our Relationship to Food and Our Bodies/Selves