Nina has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Oregon for nearly 40 years and a Health Educator for over 35 years. She is also a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) in Washington.
For 25+ years, Nina has been working with various health & wellness initiatives and supporting cancer patients at Kaiser Permanente. She recently resumed her private practice as well.
Gentle and Compassionate | I have deep compassion for people who struggle and are in pain. I believe in creating an atmosphere of safety and self-acceptance, and genuinely believe that we are all doing the best we can in any given moment.
Therapeutic and Practical | My approach is therapeutic in the traditional sense – working with underlying issues, looking for deeper meaning, and resolving obstacles. I am also very practical, and will often suggest little tweaks and subtle shifts that can help move things forward.
Coease is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Registered Craniosacral Therapist with advanced study in nutrition, digestion, bio-detoxification, and energy medicine.
He works with men, women, and children of all ages – from newborns to our most seasoned elders – to address and resolve a wide variety of physical, biochemical and emotional challenges. Coease has been in private practice in Portland, OR, for 31 years. He is known for his depth of presence, as well as his ability to use his hands to reflect and support the resources and rhythms for self-healing inherent in each person’s body.
The foundation of my practice | Craniosacral Therapy is the foundation of my practice because I find it to be the gentlest, most respectful and effective method of treatment. I’ve developed a deep respect for the powerful influence that stress, the unconscious mind and food can have on one’s level of energy, mood and digestion. Indeed, I adhere strongly to the old adage, “All disease (and healing) begins in the gut.”
Sharing my passion | I serve as a training adjunct to support continuing education programs sanctioned by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America and have a habit of sharing little gems that help people understand how and why their bodies work, and how they can be supported in working better.
“Nina’s knowledge is impressive, and her compassion immense. She is skillful and gracious. Most of all, she believes in and lives what she teaches.”
“Nina helped me break my old diet obsession and replace with with more effective tools for healthy eating. I am learning to be more gentle with myself, and now I know that I’m not alone in the struggle.”
“I experienced Nina to be a safe, supportive person with whom I can share my weight issues. There isn’t a woman I know, overweight or slender, who wouldn’t benefit from her guidance. From nutrition to body image, there is something here for everyone.”
“Coease Scott is a gifted healer who works at a subtle and highly effective level. He has mastered the ability to work with the body to promote it’s own natural healing potentials. I would recommend his services to anyone.”
— Michael S.