Nina offers individual counseling and support groups co-led with her husband, Dr. Coease Scott. They are located in NE Portland, in the Alameda neighborhood. Scheduling is flexible – including weekend options.
Individual counseling is $125 for a 50-minute session; discounts available with commitment to multiple sessions.
Health & Wellness Counseling
with an emphasis on weight lossPracticing mindfulness
Addressing food cravings
Decreasing stress and addressing the many challenges of daily life
Includes lots of practical (and delicious!) ideas for healthy eating
Cancer Counseling
for clients, caregivers and familyCoping with grief and loss
Addressing quality of life and treatment decisions
Dealing with emotional and physical aspects of cancer
Includes nutritional counseling tailored to your particular needs
Craniosacral Therapy & Bio-Detoxification
Our team addresses and resolves a wide variety of physical, biochemical and emotional challenges with an advanced study in nutrition, digestion, bio-detoxification, and energy medicine