Better Chocolate Banana Icecream

Who doesn't love ice-cream, especially on a warm summer evening? Here's a non-dairy, tasty, healthy, easy to prepare recipe for chocolate ice-cream lovers! Yields 2 servings.


  • 2 frozen bananas

  • 2 T organic peanut butter

  • 2 T cocoa powder

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • cinnamon to taste (optional)

  • coarse sea salt sprinkled on top (optional)

  1. Get all ingredients out on counter before removing bananas from freezer.

  2. Use food processor to mash bananas to creamy consistency but be careful not to overmix, as the bananas will become too runny.

  3. Add rest of ingredients and pulse just until blended.

  4. Place in serving dishes and freeze for approximately 20 minutes.


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