Healthy Nut Butter Fudge


These nut butter treats are  rich in protein, healthy fat, and anti-oxidants. And they are surprisingly satisfying!


  • 2 cups nut butter - organic peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew

  • 3/8 cup raw organic cocoa powder (or carob if you prefer)

  • 1 T vanilla extract

  • 2 tsp coarse sea salt

  • 1/4 cup real maple syrup

Here's how:

  1. Mix everything together until well blended. 

  2. Press into freezable container of your choice.

    Tip:  These are best eaten shortly after removing from the freezer. I like to use mini-muffin tins - this makes them into perfect portion sizes, with no need to cut up or risk melting to a less desirable consistency. Ice trays would work well, too. Place a bit of olive oil in bottom of mold to make them easy to remove.  You can get creative and add chocolate or carob chips, dried cranberries, sesame seeds, or even use crunchy rather than creamy nut butter. Have fun!


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