Arugula Kale Salad


Both arugula and kale are loaded with nutrients: They are both cruciferous vegetables, high in fiber, and offers protein. Arugula contains a certain chemical that slows the progression of cancer. It also lowers blood pressure, improves muscle oxygenation during exercise, (high in nitrate) and is high in vitamins A, K, C, calcium and folate. Kale is chock full of vitamins A, K, C, B6, manganese, copper, calcium and potassium. Kale is considered one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and is also an anti-cancer nutrient. Every day I eat a large green salad, (4-6 cups) most often with lacinato kale (dinosaur kale) and arugula as the base.  It is satisfying to taste and chew and lasts a long time. I find lacinato kale the best tasting raw kale. The red and green curly kale make great kale chips, or are tastier when cooked.

Here's a Salad for 2 for dinner, or 6-8 as a side


  • 8-10 packed cups combination of kale and arugula

  • 3 large radishes, sliced into 1/8" rounds and then matchsticks

  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, cut with a peeler into thin strips

  • 1/4 cup slivered toasted almonds

Here's How:

  1. Place greens in a large salad bowl after washing and cutting or tearing into bite-sized pieces.

  2. Sprinkle with radishes.

  3. Lightly dress with Champagne Vinaigrette, Nina's Vinaigrette, or Preserved Lemon Sauce or Dressing.

  4. Sprinkle with parmesan and nuts.

  5. Serve with protein of your choice. On a night that I don't have time to cook, I might add one or two chopped hard boiled eggs and call it good. Or I might open up a can of sardines or kippered snacks and add to the salad or eat 3-4 slices of crispy turkey bacon.



Basic Green Salad


Green Tomato Relish