Carrot Burdock Saute

Burdock root is a satisfying, nutty flavored root vegetable that the Japanese use. It can be found in teas to heal sore throats and colds and contains inulin, a dietary fiber that aids in digestion. It has been found to regulate blood sugar, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. It may help skin conditions such as wrinkles, psoriasis, eczema and acne.


  • 2 tsp ghee or avocado oil (high heat tolerant)

  • 2 cups carrots cut into matchsticks

  • 2 cups burdock cut into matchsticks

  • 3 T Tamari

  • 1 T rice vinegar

  • 1 T sweetener (I use monkfruit)

  • Gomasio to taste (ground roasted sesame seeds and sea salt)

Here’s How:

  1. Heat a large skillet, and once very hot, add fat and burdock root, stir and cover for 3-5 minutes.

  2. Add carrots and stir. Cover for another 3-5 minutes.

  3. Mix remaining ingredients together and drizzle over saute. Cook uncovered until all liquid is absorbed and sprinkle with gomasio (ground sesame seeds and salt) for garnish.


Roasted Beets


Green Chicken Salad