Dianne's Gluten Free Raw Crackers

These raw, crunchy, savory crackers are not only tasty and satisfying but excellent to keep "things moving"!Ingredients:

  • 1 cup dark flax seeds
  • 1 cup golden flax seeds
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1 T sea salt
  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees or lowest possible temperature.
  2. Place both types of flax seeds and water in a bowl for 4 hours until all of the water is absorbed.
  3. Pulse pumpkin seeds to chop coarsely, being careful not to grind too fine.
  4. Add rest of ingredients to flax mixture and stir until well blended.
  5. Cover bottom of two cookie sheets with wax paper.
  6. Divide mixture evenly and place half on each sheet of wax paper.
  7. Use plastic spatula to spread the mixture evenly on each cookie sheet, taking your time to make it as even as possible.
  8. Score mixture carefully with a butter knife to create whatever size and shape you want your crackers to be. (Don't worry if some of the mixture sticks to the knife.)
  9. Place in oven for approximately 8 hours or until completely crisp.
  10. Cool thoroughly and break into sections.
  11. Store in glass container with lid. These keep a long time if kept in an airtight container. (They do not need to be refrigerated - a cool dark cupboard is just fine.)

Tip:Serve these crackers with yarlsburg cheese, sugar snap peas and crisp apples. Or just munch on them plain - they're that good!  (You may want to make use of a toothpick or dental floss afterwards, as the flax seeds tend to get stuck in your teeth.) Enjoy!


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