Blueberry Lime Parfait

This is a sugar free version, that contains greek yoghurt, egg yolk, ghee and monk fruit. The lime rind and fresh lime juice along with fresh picked berries from our dear friend Pat’s “Village Blueberry”, make it spectacular!


  • 6 egg yolks

  • 1/2 cup monk fruit granules

  • rind of 2 limes (set aside)

  • 1/2 cup lime juice

  • 2 T ghee or unsalted butter

  • 1 pint of greek youghurt

  • 6 T monk fruit granules

  • 1 pint fresh blueberries

Here’s How:

  1. Whisk together egg yolks, lime juice (before cutting lime, remove rind and set aside) and monk fruit and heat on medium heat for about 10 minutes until thickened.

  2. Remove from heat and stir in ghee 1 T at a time.

  3. Transfer to bowl, cover and chill. (30 minutes)

  4. Add rind to chilled egg yolks.

  5. Mix monk fruit into yoghurt.

  6. Begin making parfaits by layering yoghurt, curd then blueberries until the right amount, ending with yoghurt, a tiny dollop of curd and a blueberry on top.

  7. Chill and serve.

    I used small clear glasses and the recipe made 6 of them. Delicious…


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