Pumpkin Seed Dressing

Here’s a nutritious, delicious salad dressing or you can drizzle on sautéed veggies or use as a dip!


  • 1 cup roasted pumpkin seeds

  • 2 garlic cloves, pressed

  • 3 tsp umeboshi vinegar

  • 1-2 tsp rice vinegar

  • 2/3-1 cup hot water

Here’s How:

  1. Roast seeds in oven at 350 for about 6-7 minutes or until they start popping.

  2. Use a coffee grinder and grind seeds in batches and place in a pint jar.

  3. Add garlic and vinegars and then slowly pour in hot water and shake.

  4. Enjoy!


Matzah Brie


Zucchini Lasagna