Sauteed Fresh Shitakes

It's autumn which means Mushroom season in the moist Northwest...Yum!Ingredients:

  • 12-15 fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 7 garlic cloves, sliced or chopped
  • 1 T ghee
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup white wine (optional)

Here's How:

  1. Clean by gently brushing dirt off and slice mushrooms and set aside.
  2. Slice or chop garlic and set aside.
  3. Heat a skillet, then add ghee and add both garlic and mushrooms together.
  4. Stir for 1-2 minutes on medium high heat.
  5. Add wine and salt and pepper and turn down to medium to medium low and cover for another 5 minutes or until done.
  6. Serve in a small bowl.

This dish goes well with Sautéed Kale, Roasted Carrots and turkey bacon for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


Sauteed Lacinatio Kale


Roasted Carrots