Chocolate Nut Butter Crunchies



  • 10 rice cakes (Lundberg stackers or Le Pain de fliers Quinoa Crispbread)

  • 1/2-2/3 cup almond or peanut butter

  • 1 cup melted dark chocolate

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • a few pinches of pure flake sea salt

  • 1 cup puffed dried rasberries (optional)

Here’s How:

  1. Melt chocolate and coconut oil in a double boiler or microwave.

  2. Blend in nut butter.

  3. Crumble rice cakes and rasberries and pour mixture on top and mix.

  4. Press into 8/8” dish lined with parchment paper.

  5. You can fold the parchment and press into the thickness you want and create clean edges.

  6. Chill in fridge for an hour or so. Cut and enjoy!


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